Thanks for visiting our wesbite! Here is a little glimpse into who we are. 

Sam is a first generation Christian with a dramatic conversion experience in February 1977, and is from a marketing and advertising background.

With a management background he has held positions of  General Manager of a factory, and  just before joining YWAM in 1984 worked in a Nationally Accredited Advertising Agency for a few years.

Jennifer, Sam's  wife, comes from a strong Christian upbringing. Her roots are in Tamil Methodist Church, in Malaysia. She joined YWAM Singapore in 1985. She is a prophetic intercessor and has been a tremendous encouragement to her husband. She has given leadership to the prophetic ministry and developing the market place ministry at our home church – City Church,   Madison, WI. 

They have two children. Daniel is twenty-seven, married and has graduated with a Linguistic degree at University of Wisconsin, Madison. He and his wife, Frankie Dharam make their home in Madison Wisconsin.

Dominic is twenty-five and also graduated in Molecular Biology degree at the same university & graduated in Masters in Public Health at University of Minnesota and now is pursuing a doctoral program.